Breaking the Silence

In my understanding the healing process starts with uncovering the wounds, so that they can heal. This is true not only for physical wounds, but also for emotional, psychological wounds. And it is not only individual, but also collective. In the video I talk about my understanding of breaking the silence.


Do you trust and follow your intuition? Whenever I do, my experience is a good one. Whenever I went against my ‘gut’ feeling, I found out that it would have been better to follow it. But it is not always easy, because our minds are strong fellas and often try to convince us with ‘reason’.


This week’s ‘Sakino on Sunday’ video is about intimacy. For me this theme is a very delicate and vulnerable one, and I believe, for many others too. Please share your thoughts with me, I will be very happy to read them. I wish you all to have people in your life that you can be


This photo says probably more than thousand words. It shows the participants of the 3. module of my ‘Heal your Roots’ Family and Systemic Constellation and Trauma Healing Training. We were listening to each other’s lifestories. Each story was so unique, so moving, and the listening deepened with every lifestory. Again I experienced this part

Joy of Living

This week’s video is about the ‘Joy of Living’ . In my understanding living a joyful life includes all aspects of it, all emotions and feelings, not ‘just’ the ‘ beautiful’ ones. Waiting for better times to come after suffering through the hard times means we miss out. Live all of your life, include all,


Dear friends and loved ones, how are you? Really, how are you feeling? Is your patience being tested in these times? Mine certainly is. It is not easy to live in a time of uncertainty and insecurity, not knowing how and when this will end. I hope you have all the support you need to

A New Life

Dear beloved friends, in this ‘Sakino on Sunday’ video I share with you a few exercises which I adapted from Peter Levine, the founder of Somatic Experiencing,( next to a few thoughts on Easter.) These exercises help me personally when I need to calm and relax and settle back into myself. I hope that they

Loving memory

Two days ago I was attending the commemoration of the 10. anniversary of the departure of Dan Bar On, my very dear friend, teacher and mentor, who was one of the most important people in my life. In the commemoration many people from his lifetime were speaking about him, remembering him from early childhood until

What is love?

All my life I have been busy with those questions: What is love? How can I be a loving person? Can I love unconditionally? The closest I have come to an answer is by reading  Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving. I understand: Love is not a romantic feeling that we ‘fall into’. Love is


I am sitting in Ben Gurion airport, Tel Aviv, waiting for my flight back home to Berlin. This last month was an amazing journey. First of all I celebrated my birthday here, and I felt that it was a very special event, for many reasons. My ex -husband came with his oldest son, which was


Yesterday I stood again at the corner of this boulevard which means so much to me. Everytime I walk down this beautiful avenue I recall my dear friend, mentor and teacher Dan Bar On, Israeli professor of psychology, who lived here. The fact that I am here in Israel now is thanks to him. When


Sometimes… unexpected beautiful insights arrive. Yesterday someone said to me: “Can you grant yourself this?”(in German: “Kannst Du Dir das gestatten?”) I have been reflecting about this since. Granting myself my way of living, my way of loving, my way of doing or not doing things is so much more than just doing it. It


Last week I had  a very happy and special day. I had the honour and tremendous joy to graduate 4 beautiful women from the “Heal your Roots” (HyR) Family and Systemic Constellation and Trauma Healing Training at the Humaniversity in Holland. This training contains my lifelong experiences and therapeutic knowledge, combined together in a unique

Being authentic

Yesterday I had to make a choice: either to adjust to the wishes of a friend or to be true to myself. It was not an easy situation, because there were expectations and hopes on the other side, which I would disappoint if I stayed true to myself. But if I would follow his wishes

Moments of life

At this moment I am sitting in my living room in Tel Aviv, Israel, where I spend a month to teach, give sessions, enjoy meeting my friends, trying to cope with the heat, and generally being happy.    Life has blessed me all along the way until this day, and the more I become aware

Walk the walk

My very dear teacher and friend Veeresh said many years ago: When you want to be an authentic honest teacher, you have to be the same person on stage as you are behind the stage. Wow! This was truly a discovery for me. In my studies and in my education as a therapist I had

Living Young

Many times people ask me: What is it that makes you look so young? Well, I think, mostly it is, because I have good genes. But there is also something more to it. At one point in my life I chose to live exactly how I want to, make very little compromises (only if absolutely

Free Spirit

A dear friend calls me a “free spirit”. I agree. I am a free spirit! But what does that mean? For me it means that I think and act according to my own values and standards, that I do not compromise my values for the sake of money, acknowledgement, power, career, love, or anything else,

Healing and Love

I believe in the healing power of unconditional love. This may sound illusionary or naive, but it is my own experience. I grew up in an environment of violence, abuse and restrictions of all kinds. Love was not an issue, everything was about fitting into a religious system that dealt with guilt, shame, sin, confession,


Being alone and celebrating it can be a wonderful meditation. I am still in the process of learning and enjoying aloneness. Sometimes I really do, for instance in the morning, when I wake up, make myself the first cup of delicious coffee, take it back to bed, take my iPhone, read messages, answer mails, tuning

The healing power of Family and Systemic Constellation work

Why should one attend a Family Constellation: Many of the issues that we  face in our lives today are related to our family of origin,  e.g.: Family or relationship issues, physical and/or psychological issues, such as heart disease, cancer, depression, anxiety, addiction, professional issues, and others. Family Constellation is a gentle yet powerful technique that

Born again

Today is the beginning of spring! This is the time of year when everything starts growing again. In nature and inside us there is a fresh new start, coming from what has been completed and fertilized during the dark season. As a symbol I like to look at this time as the time for new

Unwiderstehlich – die Kunst ein erfüllter Mensch zu sein (Teil 2)

  In meinem letzten Artikel habe ich darüber geschrieben, was die Zutaten sind, um ein erfülltes Leben zu führen.  Nun wird nicht jeder Mensch mit einem goldenen Löffel im Mund geboren. Wenn ein erfülltes Leben davon abhinge, ob jemand reich, als Kind berühmter Eltern, schön, gesund und talentiert auf die Welt komme, würden viele schon aus

Unwiderstehlich – Die Kunst, ein erfüllter Mensch zu sein

  Als ich vor einiger Zeit gefragt wurde, ob ich zu diesem Thema einen Artikel schreiben wolle, war ich zunächst etwas zögerlich.  Zwar habe ich vor vielen Jahren ein Selbstentdeckungs – Training mit diesem Titel ins Leben gerufen, mir auch viele Gedanken dazu gemacht, dennoch war es eine ziemliche Herausforderung, der ich mich stellen wollte.  Unwiderstehlich

Heilen – eine Kunstform oder: Die Kunst der Trauma – Heilung

Neuerdings wimmelt es im Therapiefeld von „Trauma – Heilungs – Methoden“. Klopfen, Körperempfinden, Meridiane befreien, Augenrollen, und was sich sonst noch alles auf dem Markt tummelt, ist beachtlich. Manche der Anwender versprechen Heilung in nur einer Sitzung (oder in ganz wenigen). Noch abenteuerlicher sind diejenigen, die Weltfrieden versprechen, wenn nur alle Mitglieder der verfeindeten Parteien ihre Methode anwendeten.

Das Märchen von der Kreativität

Es war einmal ein Mädchen, ich nenne sie Elisabeth. Elisabeth war zierlich und von empfindlicher Gesundheit. Ihre Eltern dachten, sie müssten sie schonen und von allzu viel Anstrengung fernhalten. Sie liessen sie zur Volksschule gehen, dann auf die Realschule, aber nur mit grossem Zögern. Ständig beobachten sie, ob es Elisabeth zu viel würde. Und tatsächlich war

Dankbarkeit als Weg zum Glück

Was macht Menschen glücklich? Mit diesem Thema beschäftige ich mich seit vielen Jahren sowohl in meinem eigenen Leben als auch in meiner Arbeit, in der ich Menschen auf der Suche nach mehr Glück und Erfüllung begleite. Viele Menschen hoffen, glücklich zu werden, wenn sie endlich mehr Geld verdienen, den richtigen Partner finden, ihr Wunschgewicht erreichen oder was

Der Traum von der ewigen Liebe

  Im Januar ist die Anzahl der Scheidungsanträge eine der höchsten im Jahr. Warum? Ich glaube, weil wir uns wider besseres Wissen und all unseren Erfahrungen zum Trotz immer noch Illusionen machen und romantische Träume von der heilen Familie, dem immerwährenden Glück zu zweit hegen und pflegen. Ich habe dem sehr viele Jahre auch angehangen! Ich

Wie bewegt man einen Elefanten?

Ut: – der Workshop zum gleichnamigen Buch von Sakino Sternberg Mitte Juli. Ferienzeit. Die Sonne scheint, und ich radle Richtung Süden – nach Schöneberg. Als mein Ziel erweist sich schließlich ein schön modernisiertes altes Haus in der Ebersstraße, in dessen Schaufenstern im Erdgeschoss große bunte Seidentücher mit der Inschrift »Avalon« hängen. Kurz darauf stehe ich

Das große Schweigen: von Tätern und Opfern

Von Susanne Elten Sakino ist Therapeutin in Berlin. Sie ist mit mehreren spannenden Projekten zugange: sie ist Psychotherapeutin mit eigener Praxis und seit 1981Sannyasin. Sie hat ein Buch geschrieben mit dem Titel „Wie bewegt man einen Elefanten“ in dem ihr eine Synthese gelingt mit allen ihren therapeutischen Ausbildungen, mit ihrer Lebenserfahrung als Sannyasin und den

Danke, dass du ein Teil meines Lebens bist und es auf so wunderbare Weise bereicherst.

“Ich lernte Sakino im Dezember 2006 im Rahmen meines Psychologie-Studiums bei einem Wochenendseminar zum Thema „Berufsfelder für Psychologen“ kennen. Sakino fiel mir damals vor allem dadurch auf, dass sie anders war als die anderen Referenten und ich mir nicht sicher war, ob ich im Seminar bleiben sollte. Gott sei Dank hat mich die Neugierde bleiben